Activity - Pag


The town of Pag, the only town in history to be moved three times, has always sparked great interest. Awe-inspiring monuments, rich cultural tradition and sites included on the World Heritage list bear witness to the significance of not only the town itself, but also the island as a whole.

Activity description

The meeting point is in Novalja, from where we continue by bus to the town of Pag to make a complete tour of the old town. The original architecture, the work of Juraj Dalmatinac, a famous Croatian architect and sculptor, dates back to the mid-15th century. The programme includes a tour of the Collegiate Church of St Mary’s Assumption, and the Duke’s palace, a cultural heritage property which, following its restoration, has been serving as a venue for theatrical performances. We proceed to the Salt Works Museum, where visitors can observe the tools and devices used in manufacturing and transporting salt. The visit to the museum is followed by a tour of The Gallery of Pag Lace, dedicated to the world-famous lacework inscribed on the UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage in 2009. Traditional Pag lacework has been an integral part of the life on the island, symbolizing both the beauty and the hardship of life on this island of rocks and salt. After the tour is completed, visitors are given time to explore the town on their own before returning to Novalja.

Price and duration

/ person
Price: on request
Activity duration: 2 hours
One way transfer: 30 minutes

The price includes

Transport, guided tour, tickets to the Salt Works Museum and The Gallery of Pag Lace

Inquiry for: Pag

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Booking for: Pag

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Transfer is included in price

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Price: on request


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