Cancer ribbon designs in all colors for all causes ready for your 3 lines of personalized text! Signature criss cross presentation with golden pin for a ready to wear display to heighten and raise awareness for your specific cause.

Memorial Candles


Memorial candles are lighted in loving memory of at a funeral ceremony, memorial service, death anniversary or anytime of the year! Candle lighting is symbolic in nature and pays honor to the departed soul or is done when the family wants to make as a special remembrance. A memorial candle can be personalized with specific names, dates and even a photograph as a special token or keepsake honoring a memory. You can find memorial candles in wax, LED or glass styles in varying sizes.


The Funeral Program Site offers an imprinting technique that produces a durable and timely keepsake memorial. A truly beautiful selection of memorial and in loving memory candles with a personalized photo perfect for display at the memorial service or as a post service keepsake. Available in a variety of styles and designs.

Funeral Program Template

Funeral Program Template


What exactly is a funeral program template? It is a do-it-yourself file that contains the background, layout and filler text within the content so you don’t have to create it from scratch. The filler text is there and serves as a guide on what to include within a program. A Funeral program template is typically easy to use and makes producing a printed memorial fast. You an edit using Google Docs which is the recommended software since it is a free online resource and offers many other benefits. Our funeral program template at The Funeral Program Site is awaiting for your selection with many choices in layout and style.

Check out our other post as well:

Funeral Pamphlets

Funeral pamphlets are a center folded presentation and is a printed memorial that contains the highlights, achievements, poetry and order of a funeral or memorial service.

Funeral pamphlets celebrate the life of a loved one by including a biography and photos within its pages. 

A funeral pamphlet can be as simple as a 4-sided program or as elaborate as a multi- page funeral booklet, if desired.  It is typically created on a letter size paper but can also be found in the larger sizes of legal and tabloid.

Funeral Booklets

Funeral booklets are printed memorials with a center fold containing 2 or more pages within its content thereby making it a booklet style presentation with ample room for many photos and text. 

Funeral booklets are the largest program layout you can create and is available in legal or tabloid size paper. This is printed on two or more sheets of paper, front and back making it a booklet presentation.

Visit The Funeral Program Site and select one of our many funeral booklets and templates available for immediate download.

The Funeral Program Site funeral booklets template helps you to create a grand presentation perfect for those seeking the DIY option. Center staple to keep pages from separating. Add your favorite photos anywhere or expand the booklet to more pages. Don’t want to do-it-yourself? Try our all-inclusive funeral booklet printing full design & print service!

Order your funeral booklets today, only available at The Funeral Program Site.

Funeral Program

The Funeral Program Site is the industry leader in DIY templates, printed memorials and personalized in loving memory keepsake products. We are the number 1 choice online for all things funeral or memorial related. The Funeral Program Site has been servicing the death care industry for two decades and we are proud to be the trusted resource to families and funeral homes.

Don’t be unprepared when it’s your turn to create a printed memorial or funeral program. Subscribe to our YouTube channel or any of our social media platforms so you are always in the know! The Funeral Program Site helps you make the difference!

Cancer Ribbons

Cancer ribbons are worn in the signature criss cross presentation on a mens and women’s lapel to support and raise awareness to specific diseases. The cancer ribbons are also worn at the funeral or memorial service especially if the death was a result of a specific disease or cancer. A great accent for a loved one’s memorial service or anytime you want to raise awareness for the cause that afflicted them, believed in or were involved with. Awareness ribbons come in every color!

Personalized Awareness and Cancer Ribbons - Memorial, Funerals or Anytime

The Funeral Program Site specializes in the creation of memorial cancer ribbons offered in every cause and color. We offer the best ribbon imprinting because we create our own designs! From our line of personalized in loving memory apparel collection of personalized double-faced satin awareness ribbons raise awareness for a worthy cause, cancer, organizations, or diseases. You can also choose to create your own ribbon for your personalized cause or memory.

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Memorial Buttons

Memorial buttons are worn in loving memory of a loved one at a funeral ceremony, memorial service, death anniversary or anytime throughout the year. Memorial buttons are meant to be worn on a lapel or shirt and can be worn by men and women. They typically contain a submitted photo and 3 lines of personalized text for a special tribute. The standard memorial button size is 3" in diameter which accommodates the personalized information comfortably.

Memorial Buttons In Loving Memory

The Funeral Program Site offers quality memorial buttons with custom designs, measuring 3" in diameter. Our memorial buttons are a great way to commemorate your loved one’s memory. A sweet hand-out for any memorial service. Wear during the funeral memorial service, a special day of remembrance or anytime throughout the year!

Submit your personalized text and favorite photo. Minimum button order 10. Glossy front with steel pin backing for secure fastening. Optional button stand.

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Memorial Candles

Memorial candles are lighted in loving memory of at a funeral ceremony, memorial service, death anniversary or anytime of the year! Candle lighting is symbolic in nature and pays honor to the departed soul or is done when the family wants to make as a special remembrance. A memorial candle can be personalized with specific names, dates and even a photograph as a special token or keepsake honoring a memory. You can find memorial candles in wax, LED or glass styles in varying sizes.

Funeral Program Printing

Funeral programs printing is taking your printed memorial and making a hardcopy that produces a tangible keepsake that you can distribute to all attendees at a loved one’s memorial or funeral service. Funeral program printing can provide various different layouts, sizes and can be accomplished on your own home printer, a local copy shop or through our professional funeral programs printing services.

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