English Reader or Pieces in Prose and Poetry: Selected from the Best Writers Designed to Assist Young Persons to Read
3,5/5 · Goodreads
Anglická čítanka: alebo, kúsky v próze a poézii, vybrané z najlepších spisovateľov navrhnutých tak, aby pomáhali mladým ľuďom správne a efektívne čítať; zlepšiť svoj jazyk a pocity; a vštepiť niektoré z najdôležitejších princípov zbožnosti a... Wikipédia (angličtina)
Pôvodný dátum zverejnenia: 1799
Autor: Lindley Murray
The English Reader, or Pieces in Prose and Poetry, Selected From the Best Writers: Designed to Assist Young Persons to Read With Propriety and Effect; ...
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The English Reader, or, Pieces in Prose and Verse, Selected from the Best Writers: designed to assist young persons to read with propriety and effect; ...
Pieces in prose and poetry, selected from the best writers. Designed to assist young persons to read with propriety and effect; to improve their language and ...
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Murray's English Reader, or Pieces in Prose and Poetry, Selected From the Best Writers: Designed to Assist Young Persons to Read With Propriety and Effect; ...
The English Reader; or Pieces in Prose & Poetry, selected from the best writers. Designed to assist young persons to read with propriety & effect; to ...
29. 6. 2023 · The English reader: or, pieces in prose and poetry, selected from the best writers, designed to assist young persons to read with propriety and ...
· 8,95 USD
Lindley Murray was an American Quaker who moved to England and became a writer and grammarian.
· 8,95 USD
Lindley Murray was an American Quaker who moved to England and became a writer and grammarian.
by Lindley Murray is an eighteenth century textbook written in 1799 and published in the United States. The volume is one of the most widely held in American ...
Murray, Lindley, 1745-1826., 2008, The English reader: or, Pieces in prose and poetry, selected from the best writers. Designed to assist young persons to read ...