Jak je všem známo, na Noemovu archu mohl pouze jeden sameček a jedna samička každého druhu. Ale co když se o této tajné události dozvědí dva myšáci a ani ...
Noah's Ark (2024) release date is January 25, 2024 starring Rodrigo Santoro, Alice Braga, Marcelo Adnet and directed by Sérgio Machado.
Tom and Vini are two bohemian mice who stow away on Noah's Ark. They must use their musical talents to enter a competition and help maintain peace among the ...
A pair of mice attempt to board Noah's Ark: Vini, a charismatic poet with terrible stage fright, and Tito, a talented and charming guitarist.
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Dve myši: Vini, charizmatický básnik s trémou, a Tito, talentovaný a šarmantný gitarista, sa prešmyknú na bájnu Noemovu archu, kam smú nastúpiť len jeden ...