Rating (65)
Being a remake of a Thai horror film instead of Japanese doesn't prevent Shutter from being another lame Asian horror remake. Read Critics Reviews.
Missing: blu ray
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Rating (22)
What to Know ... You just might Shutter in fear with this new-fangled Japanese horror film, but its approach is all too formulaic to leave a lasting impression.
Missing: blu ray
This early slasher movie and somewhat Psycho rip-off is also an artful and unnerving gothic horror picture in its own right. [Blu-ray]. Posted Jun 20, 2023.
Rating (11)
Unexpected, funny, and special. People who don't like this movie are the same folks who keep the Kardashians relevant - gross. The people are 'real' in a way I ...
An enjoyable thriller that stalks the multi-layered aspects of grief, family dynamics, and psychological salvation with a haunting accuracy.
Rating (1)
Joy Mathew's "Shutter" is a little indie gem, don't know how many have seen it and don't know how far it'll last. But I'm glad I've seen it.
Missing: Clona blu ray
The review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 11% of critics gave the ... Shutter was released on DVD and Blu-ray on July 15, 2008. The Unrated ...
Rating (6)
This movie has absolutely nothing new. The location is on the border of Mexico and USA. All the Mexican cops are corrupt. There is virtually non stop violence ...
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