... Zamosc where my father , Dawid Garfinkiel , was co- a 1 from Zamosc . From the beginning of the war in 1939 until October 1942 , I stayed with my family in Zamosc . From April until Novem- ber 1942 , I was in the Zamosc Ghetto . In 1942 ...
... Zamosc had to struggle against conser- vative circles. He himself informs us that 'many of the stupid ignora- muses of our generation,' imbued with stupidity ('their way is their folly'; Ps 49: 14), 'believe that piety decreases among ...
... Zamość in August , 1816. At that time Zamość belonged to the Kingdom of Poland , which the diplomats at the Congress of Vienna had linked to the Russian Empire through the per- son of Alexander I. In addition to its historical Polish ...
... Zamosc ghetto were executed on November 20, 1942. In mid- March 1943, the ghetto, by then a single house, was liquidated. Its residents were interned at the Luftwaffe Construction Camp. On May 31, the camp's 400 inmates (including 53 ...
... Zamość in the light of new sources], in Bogdan Szyszka (ed.), Akademia Zamojska i jej tradycje [Zamość academy and its tradition] (Zamość: Muzeum Okręgowe, 1994), 84–102. His list is also found in Estreicher under the heading Zamość ...
... Zamość's city walls was especially interesting . As I mentioned earlier , they were its showpiece and symbol from the very beginning of the city's existence . Zamość was equal to an impregnable fortress . This conviction was deeply ...
... Zamosc was unequivocal in accepting new ideas which rested on the evidence of experimental science . In his eyes the experimental method offered incontrovert- ible proof that was qualitatively different from other sources of scientific ...