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zamosc from
... Zamosc; ils se retirent au fond de 1'Ukraine pour y attendre les ordres du la commission chargee d'examiner griefs. roi alia d'abord au couvent de Clarus Mons, pour y rendre gr§ce de election a la Vierge miraculeuse, et placer, lui et ...
zamosc from
... Zamosc by. Tree. 5 KMMicm fehampery (K. Gethin). Zamosc (T. Goslmc). Gay Orient (R Fawdon). Tetr» Bo Peep fF McOiff) ^hemara U Mrreer» »«!!>•« 6-5 on Sremara. 5-4 Clmaptry. f-1 Zaaaie. 25-1 Otheft. Dead heat: t3' lenvihs • Photo Tor ...
zamosc from
... Zamosc by Tree. 5 !»•••«»— J,l«ampcry (K,, Getaln), Zamosc (T. Gulling). Gay Orient (R. Fawdon), Tctra Bo Peeo <F McGiff) Shemara (1 Mercert But lag; — 6-5 on Sremara. 5-4 ~ f-1 Zaamc. 25-1 other*. ' , - ' , Dead hea<: r5 lengths ...
zamosc from
... Zamosc The Poles admitted today that a German mechanized force held Za- mosc,.on. the main high way between Luhlin ... Zamosc from a peaceful, almost medieval town into a battlefield. Only a few days ago I drove through Zamosc ...
zamosc from
... Zamosc. Ante la contemplaci6n de los mas bellos parajes de su tierra, regiones frondosas salpicadas de lagos, el papa Wojtyla no ha po- dido evitar una frase admirativa, esta tarde, en Zamosc, uniendo su fiebre poetica a su fibra patrio ...
zamosc from
... ZAMOSC, Poland His right temple - stitched and bandaged after a fall, Pope John Paul II argued Saturday against abortion, euthanasia and prenatal medical intervention in a .powerful plea to his countrymen to respect human life. Using ...
zamosc from
... Zamosc, on the mam highway between Lublin and Lwow. with attacks continuing against Warsaw and Lwow. (Lwow is 230 ... Zamosc from a peaceful, almost medieval town into a battlefield. Only a few day* aao i drove through Zamosc, with ...
zamosc from
... ZAMOSC,. Poland — His right temple stitched and bandaged after a fall, Pope John Paul II argued Saturday against abortion, euthanasia and prenatal medical intervention in a powerful plea to his countrymen to respect human life. Using ...
zamosc from
... Zamosc. On np sail si le gouvernement national a fait faire des demarches pour tacher de connaitre le but que se propose la cour de Vienne en re'ur.issant des forces presque sur notre territoire. Quoi qu il en s;»it, voici une ...
zamosc from
... Zamosc, both in southeast Poland — despite a fall as he left the Vatican Embassy in Warsaw on Saturday morning that gave him a head injury requiring three stitches. Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro- Vails said there were "no ...