... krásne vyrezávaný betle- hem , trojkráľové hviezdy a chodenie s tzv . hadmi . Nasledujúcou skupinou sú rozličné ... rovinatý , slnečný , teplý , blativý s mnohými zásahmi kultúrnych vplyvov na utváranie kroja . Na- proti tomu je ...
... krásne vyrezávaný betle- hem , trojkráľové hviezdy a chodenie s tzv . hadmi . Nasledujúcou skupinou sú rozličné ... rovinatý , slnečný , teplý , blativý s mnohými zásahmi kultúrnych vplyvov na utváranie kroja . Na- proti tomu je ...
This is a tourist guide to the three adjacent but different exotic cultures of Hungary, Austria, and Solvakia. 352 full color pages, 36 maps and plans and text give the tourist a wealth of information and visual pleasure in encountering the ...
This book approaches its subject from the perspectives of informatics and geography, presenting methods of conceptual modeling developed in computer science that provide valuable aids for resolving spatial problems.
From the world’s most sophisticated intelligence gathering organization, here is the CIA’s official country-by-country data on nations around the world.
This story brings to life a poignant period in European history when the value of the life of the common serf fell to its lowest point and the powers of the nobility to do evil were at their greatest.