kolektívna imunita from
A look at the long history of vaccines, yesterday, today and still to come. In Herding Immunity, Stacy Mintzer Herlihy explores the compelling history of vaccines and the equally long history of vaccination opposition.
kolektívna imunita from
... imunita proti chorobám : v oblastiach s nedostatočnou hygienou 194 , 228 ; kolektívna 67 , 68 imunizácia 54 , 61 – 65 ; — cestovateľov 188 - 89 , 208 – 9 ; kolektívna imunita 67 , 68 ; národné imunizačné dni 67 ; proti poliomyelitíde ...
kolektívna imunita from
... Kolektívna imunita 109 5.4 Osýpky - Eradikácia alebo liečba ? 115 6. MUMPS 120 6.1 Mako Michalovce , m ako mumps 121 ... imunity 155 9.2 Funguje cocoon stratégia ? 161 9.3 Čierny kašeľ – dôkaz o kolektívnej imunite ? 165 10. ĽUDSKÝ ...
kolektívna imunita from
... kolektívna imunita ( v závislosti na predchádzajúcich vply- voch ) a historických , ( určité štátne a hospodárske celky v súčas- nosti i v minulosti ) . Epidémie chrípky nevznikajú tedy iba z jedného centra ( ohniska ) . aby sa odtiaľto ...
kolektívna imunita from
Nadja Durbach has made a key contribution to modern British history in particular and to the analysis of class culture more generally by rescuing this resistance to state medicine from what E. P. Thompson memorably termed 'the enormous ...
kolektívna imunita from
This is true not only because of the horrific toll of more than one million American deaths, and those who lost loved ones, but also several failed public health policies that contributed to America's suffering.
kolektívna imunita from
Until recently, however, the theory has had little impact on medical research or practice. Evolutionary Medicine shows how this is beginning to change.