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inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... Prof. James A. Leightou, who for fourteen years was Chaplain and professor of philosophy at Hobart. The second annual commencement of William Smith College will be held in Coxe Hall, Tuesday, June 17th at four o'clock in the afternoon ...
inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... Coxe family, Sunbury R.D. Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman and family of New ... University Friday. Marlene Klingaman and Lucy Zim- mermaa, two members of ... Prof. Thomas Musser, principal! of the Wes-> tern Area Joint High School ...
inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... Prof. Lewis E. Smith, head of the economics department of Schuylkill College ... William 'VilUorth, Kerry G-ood- hart and Robert Villforth returned from ... Coxe. 1500 North Fifteenth street, spent some time at Collegeville ...
inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... William Berl. Jr., and Major E. G. MeCune. The following memhcra and guests were present: Dr. Willard Springer, .1. Thompson Brown, MacMillan Hoopes, John Bancroft, George A. Elliott, Dr. II. W. Briggs, Dr. Gaylord A. Hitch, Louis II. Coxe ...
inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... Prof. Yandcll Henderson, and foll&w- Ing in order came the candidates for the degrees from the various depart- nicnls of the university ... Coxe. Yule, 1870, formerly United Slates minister to Guatemala and Honduras. William Beach Olmstcad, ...
inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... William L. Allen and Mrs. William Willi Farland also appeared in beautiful ... Coxe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Corson, J. Raymond Claghorn, Dr. J. M. Da Costa ... Prof. Angelo Heilprin. Charles H. Heustes, Theodore Justice, Henry ...
inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... William Huntley. Prof, and Mrs. Clarence F. Goodheart, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finholt, Prof.1 and Mrs. Egbert Bacon, Dr ... Coxe, A discussion will bo led l.y Mr*. ol oayuga road have moved to'Arthur Beard. Covington, Va.. where they ...
inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... William Meredith, the Academy Chancellor who nominated Proiessor Coxe lor the .iward. said "He is one ol our best ami least laureled poets " It was the second major lellowslup received by Proiessor Coxe tins year October he was awarded ...
inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... William B. Grlswold, Mrs. Leon Tiffany, Bessie Barber and Mrs. George Harmon Coxe, Jr. First prizes went to the team of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. T. Rlggs. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ely, Jr., and William ... Prof, and Mrs. Applcton Aiken and ...
inauthor: William Coxe z webu
... Coxe, Sarah O Jewett, Pro! Pro! A P Peabody, Mrs Laura Sanford, William William M Gllbert,D D.Mrs C H Dall, LoniseCbandlerMonltonHorace LoniseCbandlerMonltonHorace B Bcndder, Bev Bev W Gladden, Joaqain Miller, •'Gail •'Gail Hamilton," Prof ...