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inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
... Mrs. C. Nesbitt, Miss Bertha, Mr. William H. R." Nesbitt and Miss Houser ... Jameson. Miss Helen Shaacl. Messrs. Wm. . ar.n Howard McClenahan, Miss Mary ... Anna Kelly of this city, is visiting friends fhis week in Trenton ...
inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
... Mrs. C. E. Carey entertained the graduating class and the teachers of the ... Prof, and Mrs. Putt, Prof, and Mrs. Ostrander, M. N. Fitzgerald, Miss ... Anna Wallace, Hazel McKee, Bessie Jameson, Adeline Van Wye, James Hunter ...
inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
... Mr. and Mrs. James Moffatt, Misses Schweiger, her first following her an Ploetz, Miss Elia Dorsch. Miss Anna voyage, Nancy and Janet Moffatt. It A. Cad- Weber. Miss Emma Hausler, Mrs. nual Mediterranean cruise. man; Rotterdam, to Plymouth.
inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
... Anna Kerns, Pennsylvania; Anna Dorsey, Maryland: Anna Jones, Maryland; Ella ... Jameson, Maryland; Cora Dietz. District of Columbia; Airnes Gel- bach ... Mrs. B. F. Sands, was conferred upon Miss Ada Bowers, of the District of ...
inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
... Mrs. J. K. Ralston left this morning for a month's visit in Lexington and with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jameson ... Prof, and Mrs. B. E. Rippetoe and ... Anna Laura Davis, Pineville, were visitors in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs ...
inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
... Mrs. Edward Doherr, Dor- inont, visited over the Fourth with Mrs. Doherr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gibbons, Third avenue. The- Misses Anna ... Prof, and Mrs. O. D. McDonald and family, Fourth avenue, and Mrs. McDonald's sister, Misa Clara ...
inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
... Mrs. Kate Rardon, chairman, beo G. Pauly, Lawrence Llndsey. Lawrence Cheno ... Jameson. Mrs K. J. Jaynr* Winifred Tltnmons. Mrs M. Wen<vslow. Maud M ... Anna M llakcr, Elizabeth Hub hard. Jennl.' Uarard. Mrs. N. I. Do La Rosa ...
inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
X I X W X. SOCIETY. Councilman and Mrs. William Jameson X Warwick entertained ... Anna Dalton. Ices were served by Miss Mildred Harrigan, assisted by Miss ... Prof. Thomas Crosby, Jr., presented a double bill yesterday In his ...
inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
... Mrs. Edward Mickley is visiting her parents in Springfield. Miss Clara ... Anna Snyder, Anna Proctor, Flora Lehtzy, Dorothy Waugh, Harriett Haynes ... Jameson, Athena Brook, Margaret Hayes, Florence Mc- Bride, Bertha Settlemyer ...
inauthor: Mrs. Jameson (Anna) z webu
SCOTTVILLE Mr. .-mil Mrs. Hen nil. left SIM J'S- T i-l li. Dr. Hoffman and ... Anna Kimball of Duluth arrived Friday and spent the day at the home of Rev ... Jameson of Riverton today. Edward Sargent, who is engaged as principal ...