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inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Wickens , G. E. ( 1988 ) . Non - Timber Uses of Selected Arid Zone Trees and Shrubs in Africa . FAO Conservation ... Prof. M. Kassas on the Occasion of 75th Birthday . IDRC / CRDI , UNESCO / South Valley University , Cario : pp ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Wickens , G.E. ( 1976 ) . The Flora of Jebel Marra ( Sudan Republic ) and Its Geographical Affinities . Kew Bulletin ... Prof. M. Kassas on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday . H.N. Barakat and A.K. Hegazy ( eds . ) . UNESCO , IDRC ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Prof. Seetharam Y. N, Coordinator, Department of Studies and Research in Botany, Tumkur University, Tumkur ... Wickens GE, Haq N, Day P (eds) New crops for food and industry. Chapman and Hall, London, pp 135–149 3. Eromosele IC ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Wickens G.E., Haq N., Day P. (1989) New Crops for Food and Industry. Chapman & Hall, London. 444p. Williams J.T. ... Prof L S (ANWAP), Bunyapraphatsa Dr N and Lemmens Prof R H M J (eds) Medicinal and Poisonous Plants Plant ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... G.E. Wickens , but particularly Dr R.M. Pol- hill for much helpful criticism on the introductory pages to the original manuscript . My thanks also go to Dr N. Hallé of the Paris Herbarium for assistance and observations on the Impatiens ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... University of Uppsala ( UPS ) , and in the Afri- can herbaria mentioned above . Collections by Prof. K. Lye and ... G.E. Wickens of the Royal Botanic Gardens , Kew ( K ) , the author of the botanical monograph of Jebel Marra , the ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Prof. J.A. Raven has participated in numerous discussions on this topic , and has kindly given per- mission to ... G.E. Wickens , J.R. Goodin and D.V. Field , eds . , Plants for arid lands . George Allen and Unwin , London . 452 р ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... WICKENS PhD Asst Prof Molec Basis Gene Regulat in Eukaryotes Dairy Science 13 DP DICKSON PhD Prof & Chmn Dept ( 608 ... GE SHOOK PhD Assoc Prof Brdg 1 12 G H CHAMBLISS PhD Prof Bact 3 KA STILES BS Ext Spec DHI Prog 12 12 WJ TYLER ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... University, Gwalior for providing necessary facilities and MPCST Bhopal for funding the project. References. Abou ... Wickens GE, Haq N, Day P (eds) New crops for food and industry. Chapman and Hall, London, pp 166–173 Devappa RK ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Prof. Zavattari nel Fezzan ( 1931 ) . Coleotteri . Bull . Soc . Entom . Ital . , 65 : 70-90 . Gridelli , E. 1937 ... Wickens , G.E. 1976. The flora of Jebel Marra ( Sudan Repub- lic ) and its geographical affinities . Kew Bulletin ...