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Možno ste mysleli: inauthor: Cooper Williams
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
... Institute. The Go»rnsoy county teachers i aenrKed In annual .-'isUkitc Monday in high school hall central building at 10 o'clock a. m. The institute was called to order by C. F. Cooper, Y. P. Prof. J. D. Luse, of Columbus, Ohio then led ...
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
... Prof, bwoet, Prof. Cooper, Miss Stuart, Prof. Olen, J. C. Banta, Prof.% R. C. Meade, B ion S. Hutch ings and Prof. Williams. After listening attentively to the above named gentlemen we were forced to conclude that all methods* were best ...
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
... Cooper, Wallace Smith, James H. Weight, Wm. E. Fletcher, Isaac D Hardv. Prof. Grant Biddle, James U. Cooper, I£ev. W. H. Costen, J. T. Stepney, Solomon Carpenter, Washington M.-15riUe. Chas. H. Brown, I!e-v. C. A. Williams. Kcv. .Arthur ...
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
... Prof. Jordan, of Mansfield, and many others. Among the most prominent men and women one meets in visiting this city are Drs. J. S. Williams, G. A. Howell, Prof. J. H. James, Jack Montgomery, the Solomon Bros., Mr. Lumpkin, Capt. Wm ...
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
... Williams, , of Phoebus, Va., Fort Fremont, SC.. and d New York City were: Mr ... COOPER returned to her r home Wednesday after visiting Mrs. M. M Holmes _.__ ... Prof. M. S.. CHARLES WILLIAMS. Pa., arrived here Sunday, where they ...
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
TO PI IN PHILADELPHIA. Prof. St. Williams, organist at Holy Trinity church, left la«t night for Philadelphia, where he will piny at a recital in Cooper Memorial hall this evening. The program: C. M. Von Woher, "Per Frelschutz," organ ...
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
... Williams, Bprnice Howard and Messrs. Perry Brown, Jim Gill Ralph Coleman ... Institute, has returned home to spend the summer with his parent5 ... Cooper, a student at Virginia Union University, spent a few days m the city ...
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
... Williams, youngest .jaughler of Prof, and Mrs. J. H. Un- liams. who will be HO happily romein ,)p).ot( iu wm he ., December. bride. Thn PiigaKemenl of Miss Williams ... Cooper Home. Quite a party of friends and rola tlve.s were entertained at ...
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
... Prof, bw-et, IVof. Cooper, Mi- Stuart, Prof. O'.en. J. C. Banta, Prof. R. C. Meade. B ion rf. Hutchings and Prof. William ... Prof. Murray presented the sentence method, aud lajmed it to be the shortest of all. Prof. P. J. Williams ...
inauthor: Cooper Willyams z webu
... Prof, and Mrs. Egbert K. Bacon, Prof, and Mrs. William W-. Bennett, Prof, and Mrs. Frederick L. Bronner. Prof ... Cooper of Tor- onto, • * * * Mrs Max Whiting of Centervillo. and Mrs, Donald Garr of Pork road. „ „ Miss Helen do ...