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inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
... Alvin Myerovich, music; John Allison, business; Rev. Ward B. Jenks, speech and religion; George Bretz, music; Lindley Vick- ers, nature and biology; Albert Redman, weather observation; Prof. Karl Dykema, English and linguistics; Dr. Max ...
inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
... Prof. Alvin Harnes of St. Louis is here for a few days visit with his wife and child at the home of his parents, Mr ... Redman, who underwent an operation at a Cape Girardeau hospital a few days ago, is slightly improved today. Mrs ...
inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
... Prof, and Mrs. W. P. Pollock ai their rooms the Beaver House. Papers ... Alvin King Moore, on Thursday even- Ing November 27. at 8 o'clock^ at the ... Redman, of Beleveder street, have issued invitations ior a euchre at their ...
inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
... Prof,. White. Gets. Lamp,. Prof William A. White presented with a piano lump ... Alvin A. Moses, president and organizer: Theodore Nelson, vice-president ... Redman, secretary: Eddy Davis, treasurer: George McCollouEh. business ...
inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
, al i- oswr. Harry Redman. Nevada. Iowa, is. in the city. Wanted- To buy ... alvin Dean, who resides near Fair- mount, lias been sued for *447 which he ... Prof. S. Frank for her hearing. Samuel M. Hearn left a sample of evergreen ...
inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
... Prof W R- Crabhe. principal of the school ii liRhtful music, rendered ... Alvin theater on next Friday evening and commencement night will be on the ... Redman. Lillie Ida R"id, Florence M. Richmond, Edna Rogers. Walter J. Scntt ...
inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
... Prof- :er :er New Orleans, La., and for 1 Christmas Christmas mas Day their ... his his parents in Union City, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel and ... Alvin Bellinger and Mr. II and Mrs. Joe Redman, are Mr. and Mrs. Ross ...
inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
... Redman will movp from the Charles Stick property on North Main Mi-pet ... Alvin Cnrk. IJtlti are week-end guests of Mr.. Warren K. Enck, Biglervtlle ... Prof. Charles I. Raffen-sperger, assistant county superintendent of schools.
inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
... Alvin Resser and family, his siste and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mosher and ... Redman aml family. Her daughter Miss Alle;i accompanied her to Amhcrst, wnon ... Prof R-jdcers at the Orches- Iral Orcan .-omplPle a splendid prn-. was ...
inauthor: Alvin Redman z webu
... Redman Henrietta tt Swift, Mn F C Miles MiM Lltsie Sinplot, Mrs Kiaacis Smuh, Mrs f A Smith, Mrs MaryL Smith Mrs ... Prof Jtorgan Franeli or John Xeriil Joha Mnrphy Joha Jlorriwey Michael 2 May Mare Minnobao Xathew Mahaa ¥ Moores R Moras . K ...