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inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. W A. Patrick, Johnu Hopkins Unlvws'ty; Prof. 13. E Wilson. Co- iumiba Un:vc-ri3lty; Prof. Robert Chambers, Cornell L'n'.renslcy Medical Col- Dr. W. J. V. Osterhout. RoclroM- tt'IU!a,m Scilfrlz, University of Pcnneyl- vnnla ...
inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. Robert Chambers of New York University, noted biologist, born in Turkey, 64 years ago.
inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. Robert Chambers of Xew York University. They are due simply to an injury of the cell which permits the coloring matter in the cell sap to penetrate into the protoplasm and reach the nucleus, where its hue may be changed due to the ...
inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. Robert Chambers of New — The kidney work was described tho past L two "?«ycarsi years, TM • ,,„„,.„ „„_„..,. — • «£th „„_„..,. nf prown organs were from mice and h IS * B. IU11 SiXtn Of York University. The artificially ...
inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. \. William Thomson Hastings, A. M.;. 1. President John Lincoln Alger. A. M., Ed. D.; Prof. Robert P. Chambers, Ph. D. Committee on Nomination of Officers —Prof. C/ Raymond Adams, A. M., Sc. : M., Ph. D., Harvey A. Baker. A. B., LL. B.
inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. Robert Chambers. WOR. Guy Hunter. 4:45— WEAF. Lady Next Door. WOR. Hollywood Looking WJZ. Morin Sisters. WABC. teappy Minstrel. 5:00— WEAF. Homer Folkts, "The Stamp of Good Health"; Orch. WJZ. True Railroad Adventures. WABC ...
inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. Robert D. Chambers has been appointed to its faculty. Prof. Chambers is a native of Mont real and a graduate of Lower Canada College and McOill University . . William Andrew Gilmour, of Penticlon. B C.. has been named a temporary ...
inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. Robert Chambers of the department of English. The argument of the affirmative was based on the idea that Canada in its internal history had developed along a neutralist pattern in its solving of the various internal strifes and it ...
inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. Prof. Robert F. Chambers of liiown TTnlvorslty Tn lvorslty placed In class 3, division 1. Thomas h omas W. Evnns, 9fi5 Eddy street, claim a im on grounds of rellKlous scruples, rejected e jected and placed In class 4, as a mari d ...
inauthor: Robert Chambers z webu
... Prof. Thomas Crosby, Prof. Samuel T. Arnold. First division, Aldo In charge, Rolal Willis Loith, '12. Invited guests, judges of tho courts, candidates for honorary degree. Marshals, Prof. Robert F. Chambers, Pri>f. William T Hastings ...