Reuven Tsur (Hebrew: ראובן צור) (December 15, 1932 – September 6, 2021) was a professor emeritus of Hebrew literature and literary theory at Tel Aviv University ...
Reuven Tsur

Reuven Tsur

Reuven Tsur bol emeritným profesorom hebrejskej literatúry a literárnej teórie na univerzite v Tel Avive. Narodil sa v Oradei v Rumunsku. Jeho materinským jazykom bola maďarčina. Tsur zomrel 6. septembra 2021 vo veku 88 rokov. Wikipédia (angličtina)
Dátum a miesto narodenia: 1932, Oradea, Rumunsko
Dátum úmrtia: 6. septembra 2021
Reuven Tsur is Professor Emeritus of Hebrew Literature and Literary Theory at Tel Aviv University, served several terms as the director of the Katz Research ...
Professor (emeritus) of Literature at Tel Aviv University - Cited by 3656 - Cognitive Poetics - Poetic Prosody
Reuven TSUR, Professor Emeritus | Cited by 897 | of Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv (TAU) | Read 72 publications | Contact Reuven TSUR.
6. 9. 2021 · The brilliant and warm-hearted Reuven Tsur passed away earlier today. His contributions to the linguistics of poetry–including the study of literary universals ...
Books ; What Makes Sound Patterns Expressive?: The Poetic Mode of Speech Perception... · Kindle Edition. $25.95 ; Toward a Theory of Cognitive Poetics: Second, ...
Reuven Tsur is Professor of Hebrew Literature at Tel Aviv University. His theory of Cognitive Poetics, which he continues to elaborate and refine, ...
Reuven Tsur · Languages and Linguistics · Languages · Psycholinguistics · Embodiment · Cognition ...
What Makes Sound Patterns Expressive?: The Poetic Mode of Speech Perception (Sound and Meaning: The Roman Jakobson Series in Linguistics and Poetics).