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inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... John Reid Howard, Ches- Iter Hollifield, Harvey McClin- lock, William Coppedge. Bruce Slusser and Miss Dorothy .Winters, This adaptation has been spe- cially written and will be direct- cd by Prof. John Howard McClain ..I the English ...
inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... John Wlngo, Howard Amos, Paul Thomas, Reuben Reid, Robert Cates, Pevlrnean Matthews, Joe Phillips, Rob Collins ... Prof. W. G. Blake, L. J. Denning. Prof. McDowell, ami Camp pi- rector R. C. Greoham. Any communications to the boya ...
inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... Howard Reid, Harry Wood, Harry Hines. Joe Eney. John Eney. John MfClane ... Prof. George Rad- witch's Mandolin Club. The evening was spent In singing ... H. \V. Stein. Mrs. Min- tor. Misses K. Dawson. Katie* Kerrigan, Ella ...
inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... John Anderson, William m Washington, William Thomas, Jas. . Callis, Arthur Bo wen, Henry Gardner, Graham Bradford, Herbert Savoy, Calvin Holmes, John Howard d Daniel Murphy, Roscoe Pricer Dr. . Richard. BIRTHDAY PARTY. — Mr. and d Mrs ...
inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... Reid. AME Church, j baccalaureate, '6 p.m. June 2. MORRIS BROWN" COLLEGE, I ... Howard bnwer.iity, baccalaureate-. 3 p.m. June '2. ALLEN UNIVERSITY ... John E. Marvin, editor of Michigan Christian Advocate, baccalaureate. 5:30 ...
inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... John Howard Payne; Mrs. Cooper's, George Bancroft and Charles Carroll of ... Prof. J. T. AVhite, principal. At the Centre street school the ... Reid, Proctor and Micou,and an elaborate musical program '"'as rendered by a ...
inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... Howard Copp. Grade II. — 'Kenneth Barber. Bernic* Steeves, Ada Crawford ... Reid, Harriet Tingley), Edith Hoar, Greta Lunn, (Mildred Murray, Ruby Stuart) ... Prof. Rhodes of Albert: The Technical World, presented by «•' E. Reid ...
inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... Reid, Frank Hamilton, Frank Brooks Frank Allan, Ellis Lowell, James Whit and John Howard ... John Jones, 675; Irving Williams am Cecil Gnddard 465; William ... Prof. Uiggins and Messrs. Carmi Martin and Obadiah Eastman. The boys were ...
inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... John Howard are on Thur vacation Rev Fassett preached at Madison at Madison ... Prof Maurice Jones, Tuesday evening. Sept 20. The Par- sonase ... Reid, fo Sharptown. accom- lanied by his ihoir. On Thursday night preaching ...
inauthor: John Howard Reid z webu
... John W. and Ethel M. Garrett. boy. Henry and Lillian Hughes, girl. Lloyd and Louise Armstead, boy. James and Margaret Price, boy -and, James ar5 Geneveve Howard ... Reid, boy. W. and Mazle Adams, girl. There were 61 deaths reported to the ...