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inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
... Hugh Blair, Prof. Hopkins, Rev. Geo. D. Rogers, Rev. Sommerville. Prof. Stevenson, Prof. Olin, Prof. Olney, H. L. Raymond, W. C. Simons, W. S. Tanner, W. F. Presby, J C. Thoburn, Geo. Hollingbery Andrew B. Baird, state secretary, and ...
inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
... Hugh Blair, Prof. Hopkins, Rev. Geo D Rogers, Rev. Sommerville. Prof Stevenson, Prof -Olin, Prof. Olney, H. JL. Riy- mond, W. C. Simons, W. S, Tanner, W. F. Presby. J, C Thoburn, Geo. Hollingbery Andrew B. Baird, state secretary, aud ...
inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
... Hugh M. Blair of Cheney. Wash., if spending a month's vacation with his mother, Mrs. Hugh Blair. Prof, and Mrs. Seba Eldridge and son, Seba. Jr.. returned yesterday ifter having spent the summer at Aitkin, Minn. Mi«-s Margaret Graeher ...
inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
... Prof. W. E. Higgius, Prof. Cbas. I Corp, Dr. A. R. Kennedy, Hugh Blair. Timers — A. Carroll, N. Ockerblad, Prof. E. W. Murray, Prof. John N. Van Der Vriea. Inspectors and Field Judges — John L. Lovett, W. J. Coleman, E. G. Cor- wine ...
inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
... Hugh Blair, so well known throughout the county. In ISbS, Mr. Blair went into partnership, under the firm name of The Blair and Peairs Law and Loan Company, with Howard Peairs,a Douglas county farmer's son who had just graduated in the ...
inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
... University will play ... Prof. E. W. Murray, Prof. W. E. Biggins, and Prof. C. 1. Corp. Field judges— Prof. E. M. Brigga, Prof. C. B. Root, Jay Bond, Walter Martin, C. E. Dennie and Harry Campbell. Timers— Dr. A. R. Kennedy, Hugh Blair ...
inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
... Prof. J. H. Canfield; Recording Secretary, Hugh Blair; Treasurer, R. D- Mason. From the secretary's monthly report to the board we glean the follow items: The young men's meeting was held every Sunday afternoon with an average ...
inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
... Hugh Blair. Prof. Jap. H. Canfield, now librarian of Columbia University, was a director f'>r six years, serving as vice- president for three of those years. Of the present l>.>ard of directors, thos« serving the longest term of years ...
inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
Personal Items. Hugh Blair has returned from CanJohn Usher went to Lecompton this morning. Mrs. W. S. Motcalf is visiting To- friends. Prof. L. I. Blako went to Topeka this morning. town today. Mrs. Ash ton is spending the daj in Kansas ...
inauthor: Hugh Blair z webu
... Prof. lilnir UK. the Fever. Prof. Hugh Blair, who was last year a member of tue faculty of Spokane university, and who bus been teaching the nigber grades in tho tonokuuo Buai- neus college th.uj summer, is sufturuig trom an of ...