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inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Prof. B.H. Walker Dr. G.E. Wickens Dr. A.D. Wilson Mr. R.T. Wilson FAO Bag 54 , Gaborone , Botswana . ORSTOM BP 182 , Ougadougou , Haute Volta . W.A. Dept. of Agriculture , Jarrah Road , South Perth , W. Australia 6151 . UNDP / FAO ET ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... University of Nigeria Nsukka , Nigeria 39. Mr. A. Nyerges 40 . Anthropology Dept. 325 , University Museum ... G.E. Wickens Royal Botanic Gardens , Kew , Richmond , Surrey TW9 SAB , England 74. Dr. A.D. Wilson CSIRO , Division ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Prof Pap US Dep Inter 686 - B , 23 P. Maps . Ref . 1974 141926 450 G68 Alchemilla subcrenata Buser native to the ... Wickens , G E Kew Bull 29 ( 3 ) : 592. 1974 141960 451 K51B A new species of Bowringia [ discolor ] ( Leguminosae ) ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... prof . , Yale University , New Haven . Verder , D. H. , Rutland , Vt ... Wickens , Dallas . Treasurer . - Mr . Lewis S. Smith , Dallas . Registrar ... G. E. Walk , Edwin Wickens , B. B. Ramage . General Missionary . - Rev ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... WICKENS , G. E. Combretaceae 905 WORMWELL , F. Metals Research 1080 Widening the Choice . 947 WORSSAM , B. C. ... Prof. J. C. Teachers of Teesside 930 Woodbridge Sand and Gravel Re- Ꮓ sources 1024 Zambia 972 Woodworking . Careers ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Wickens G.E., Haq N., Day P. (1989) New Crops for Food and Industry. Chapman & Hall, London. 444p. Williams J.T. ... Prof L S (ANWAP), Bunyapraphatsa Dr N and Lemmens Prof R H M J (eds) Medicinal and Poisonous Plants Plant ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... WICKENS PhD Asst Prof Molec Basis Gene Regulat in Eukaryotes Dairy Science 13 DP DICKSON PhD Prof & Chmn Dept ( 608 ... GE SHOOK PhD Assoc Prof Brdg 1 12 G H CHAMBLISS PhD Prof Bact 3 KA STILES BS Ext Spec DHI Prog 12 12 WJ TYLER ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Prof. B.H. Walker Dr. G.E. Wickens Dr. A.D. Wilson Mr. T.C. Swaan W.A. Dept. of Agriculture , Jarrah Road , South Perth W. Australia 6151 . Mr. R.T. Wilson LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS PNUD / FAO ET / 74002 , BP 5580 , Addis - Abeba ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
Agriculture Ph.D. Leip . Prof. Carne , W. М. Lectr . Hampshire , P. G. Lectr . Wickens , G. W. Lectr . Biology Nicholls , G. E. , D.Sc. Lond . , UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA , PERTH VISITOR - H.E . THE GOVERNOR . CHANCELLOR - Hon ...
inauthor: G.E. Wickens z webu
... Prof Popov St, St Petersburg, Russia 197376. Wai, Ms Khin San, C.A.R.I, Horticultural Div, Yezin, Pyinmana, Myanmar, Burma. Wickens, Dr G E, The Triangle, Buxton Road, Aylsham, Norfolk, NR11 6JD Yunarti, Ms, Institute for Agr ...