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inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
... gentlemen may be referred tot Prof. Francis Lieber, South Carolina College, whose son is now at the institution. Prof. Charles Beck, Prof. C C Feltor, Cambridge, Massachusetts; President B Sears D. D. Newton, Massachusetts; Rev. C. R. ...
inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
... gentlemen may be referred tot Prof. Francis Lieber, South Carolina College, whose son is now at the institution. Prof. Charles Beck, Prof. C. C. Editor, Cambridge, Massachusetts; President s dent B. Sears D. D Newton, Massachusetts; Rev ...
inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
... gentleman was evidently not up to snuff on comets for Prof. Francis Yory, of tho Allegheny ob- iorvatory, who bos boon conducting :i series of observations during tho past several days has made tho announcement that tbo comet is a cold ...
inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
... gentlemen. The instructors are Prof. Francis P. Lantry and Prof. J. H. French. There were nearly two hundred teachers present at the opening which is an unusually large attendance. The exercises began by singing followed by the recital ...
inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
... men of wide reputation; the list of vice presidents was made of gentlemen of especial prominence in ihe city of ... Prof. Francis J. Child, Hon. P. A. Collins, T. Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Prof. J. P. Cooke, Hon. John M. Corse, Prof ...
inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
... Prof. Ferdinand B3cher. 2. "Early Italian and Spanish Literature." Prof. James Russell Lowell. 3. "English Poetry of XIII. and XIV. Centuries. Prof. Francis ... gentleman aud wife or slnele gentlemen; furnished In black walnut, or ...
inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
... gentlemen'. A. E. Boric, I'hiladelphia; Prof. Prof Francis J. C'hilds. Harvard College; Pro Prof. R. E. Kogers, I niv ty-siry of Pennsylvania; Prof. J. E. Ililgard, Washington : Prof. Iieu Iieury Capp, f.ehigh T'nivcrsity; Prof. John ...
inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
... MEN OF THE. fUai<-« Is to bo made tho subject a rltfld. non-partisan, lioti-sectarlan In ... Prof. Francis G. Peabody, D. D., of Harvard College and Rev. Samuel W. Dike, L. L. D., wore appointed a committee to correspond with gentlemen ...
inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
... gentleman delivered the invocation after which W. C. Spangler introduced Charles S. Gleed, who delivered an address in behalf of the board of regents inaugurating Prof. Francis Huntingdon Snow chancellor of the University. Following is ...
inauthor: Francis Gentleman z webu
Hi nit OF On. FRANCIS. FVTE OF DR. FRANCIS. — It now appears probable that Dr ... Prof. Moore (director of expedition v brought a charge against ProFrancis ... gentlemen will be interested in the following very different version ...