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inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... in four books, for the Flute. Also, Crpvelli's celebrated instructions in ... Society, in which 1st. The present deficiency ol Natural Philosophy is ... London, Folio. Neat. Scarce, 170D. For sate at GEO. OATEo' Book and Music ...
inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... In Strauss; German May Sons, variationsby ViererkjTho May Ball; Two ... Society, in whii h 1st. The present deficiency ol Natural Philosophy is ... London, Folio. Neat. Scarce, 170.1. Forsale at GEO.OATEo' Book and Music ...
inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... London, 1834; Blossoms of Anecdote; Bryant's Philo; Rev 'Thomas Brown's ... England; Worcester's, Mitchell's, Olney's, VV'oodoridge's, •>mitirp, Petc-r ... Society, in which 1st. The present deficiency of Natural Philosophy is ...
inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... Prof. Joseph John Thomson, of Cambridge University, England, and a fellow of the Koyal Society of London, on behalf of the foreign universities. The presentation of delegates will then be held In the college library. The evening of the ...
inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... in 2 vols. J ust received and for sale by S. BABCOCK & CO. July 29 King st ... Society, in which 1st. The re sent deficiency ol Natural Philosophy is ... London, Folio. Neat. Scarce, D. Fo'rsaleat GEO.OATEo' Book andMusic Store ...
inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... In imenis. Contrivances «nd Inventions, bv him made produced s Curator ol Ezpeiiments to the Ru\ • Society, published by Richiird Waller, Secretary ihe Royal Society, London, Folio. iSeat. Scnrce, o. For «ale at GKO. OATE^' Book and ...
inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... London edition. Hor: eon the Trinity ur d Athaii-isian ('r*-ed: Tbe Scripture D<i<-trine of t e Tfinity biietty stated ami dt lined; and ihe Chuic'i of England ... Society, . i« which 1st. 1 he pres.'nt deficiency ol Natural Philosophy is ...
inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... in th« Cnurcb, by the Rev. Baden Powell, M A F. R. S, &c of Oriel Col- le'p ... Society, m which 1st. I he present deficiency of Natural Philosophy is ... London, Folio. Nent;*farce 1703. For sale at and Music. Packages f resk and ...
inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... society, Francis Lieber, in 1 vol. ISmo. The Natural History of Selborne, by ... London. Works of nature. — A Philosophical account of the Works, of nature ... folio. London 1721, a very scarce work. For snip at GEORGE OATES, Feb ...
inauthor: Folio Society (London, England) z webu
... in his easy-chair busily engaged in writing. "The London society got acquainted with me through a series of articles I wrote for the Folio" said he. "In which I gave some reminiscences of English musicians and vocalists ot note. The ...