... Prof. Edward <-' Moore: "Horace Slann anil his Work for Better S.-hools." by Mr. George H M.rVln." ll'^ry I ...v, E. Jefferson: ...>- ------------------- "Peter Cooper, the , Generous „ t liver." by Mr. Edward H. Chandler ^"Dorothea Dlx ...
... Prof. Edward Moore, "f Salisbury, N. C. Addresses were niaao by Dr. Biogbam. president or board of trustees; iir. Carter, of New York: Dr. J. C. Price. At the annual meeting of tne Ammni Association a committee was appointed to confer ...
RAYEN ALUMNI INVITED. vitiates Will Bo Welcome at Dlnnnr to l»c fihen Prof E. C. Moore. Members of the Rayen alumni are invited to meet Prof Edward C Moore at a dinner to be given in his honor t t° tno prOgress club next Tuesday y - Vrot ...
... Prof. Edward P. Moore, P. P.. of tho Harvard PIvlnlty School, will preach. Sunday school at B.4tl. KINO'S PHAPEL. Trcmont and School Howard N. Brown, mlnlnier. Morning solvlc* at 10..10. Afternoon (nil seats free) at 3.30. Prof. B. C. Moore ...
... Prof. Edward C. Moore of Harvard, who will speak Tuesday night on "Present Opportunities and Problems In China" and Dd. Moxom of South Church, Worcester, who will dell^w- an address Wednesday nleht at 8 o'cl<t k. Features of tho Tuosdmy ...
... Prof. Edward M. Balsbaugh, a member f the Lebanon High school faculty Miss Elizabeth Jennie Rasbridge and Arthur Edward Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. B. Moore, will be married in Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church. Wednesday ...
... Prof. Edward O. Moore, D. D., of Cambridge. Otheru who participated In the ncrvlce were Rev. W. B. A. Miller of IJevcrjy. Prof. Egbert O. Smyth,, 1). D., ot tnu seminary; Prof, Francis Urown, D. D of the Unlun Thao- , logical Bemlnury ...
... Prof. Edward W. Moore, Evely (W. Brown and Ellen M. Hall o Harvard University also repor Germs often contaminating crush ed ice as it was forme, ly djspens i-d in 16 - food serving units of the university. Spoons or scoops were used lo ...
... Prof. Edward C. Moore, D.D., of the Harvard Divinity School. Prof. Moore said It was high time that religion and education wero associated. "Through religious education," said he, "we can touch the springs of enthusiasm, of faith, of ...
... Prof. Edward W. Moore, Evelyn W^Brown and Ellen M. Hall of ^^ =j] Listen. used in drinks but also in direct1811" contact to chill foods, some of ' which arc eaten raw. Cubed ice made by machines the was much better, with nearly half and ...