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Radenie: relevancia
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The salvation of Sudeley Castle: How one of the finest castles in the Cotswolds was saved from ruin
Country Life
John Goodall delves into the later centuries of Sudeley Castle's existence, telling the story of its revival as a shrine to English history.
pred 49 mesiacmi
משמר המפרץ: זאת תהיה השנה הגורלית של חיפה
משמר המפרץ: זאת תהיה השנה הגורלית של חיפה. בעוד תוכניות פיתוח ענקיות ממתינות לאישורים אחרונים, מתנהל מאבק נגד הפגיעה האנושה בנוף הייחודי,...
pred 142 mesiacmi
English: 1782 Poca Roca Cave on Gibraltar by Rev Cooper Willyams . 9 January 2013, 13:44:00. Cooper Willyams 3 1782 Poca Roca rev Cooper Willyams Stock Photo
Download this stock image: . English: 1782 Poca Roca Cave on Gibraltar by Rev Cooper Willyams . 9 January 2013, 13:44:00.
pred 142 mesiacmi
The Gibraltar National Museum - Entrance to what was once the old mosque courtyard and later formed part of the gothic church from the early 16th century (Cooper Willyams, 1801)
Entrance to what was once the old mosque courtyard and later formed part of the gothic church from the early 16th century (Cooper Willyams, 1801).
pred 2 mesiacmi
St. Michael's Caves
Show Caves of the World
St. Michael's Caves. Useful Information. photography The “Cathedral” of St Michael´s Cave (1930s), photographer E. R. Kenyon. Historic Photograph.
pred 217 mesiacmi
Full article: From colonial to national landscape: producing Haifa’s cityscape
Taylor & Francis Online
This paper examines the Haifa cityscape in transition from colonialism to nationalism. Contrary to the common perception of landscape as a...
pred 197 mesiacmi
1779 - Charles Holloway - Another Diary of the Siege
The People of Gibraltar
1779 - Charles Holloway - Another Diary of the Siege Mrs Green and Colonel William Green – General Eliott and Mr. Healy Capt. Evelegh and Lt Booth - Admiral...
pred 73 mesiacmi
A Voyage Up the Mediterranean in His Majesty's Ship the Swiftsure: With a ...
Google Books
A Voyage Up the Mediterranean in His Majesty's Ship the Swiftsure: With a ... By Cooper Willyams. About this book · Cambridge University Press.
pred 1 mesiacom
Thomas Seymour’s Sudeley Castle
This history of Sudeley Castle goes back centuries. It's majestic gardens were once visited by the likes of Richard III, Jasper Tudor, Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn,...
pred 76 mesiacmi
The sicilian Library of d'Agata Family, tue 15 - fri 25 February 2022
Maison Bibelot
Asta a Tempo 15-25 febbraio 2022 offerte solo online: www.maisonbibelot.com Important book collection dedicated.
pred 7 mesiacmi