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inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
... Prof. Arthur Murphy, considered one of the lead-. ing experts in nuclear law. noted that Three Mile Island marks the first time the congresslonally mandated liability limits have been tested in an accident involving widespread public ...
inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
... in Berkeley Nnwirene Church, Bancroft Way and McKlnley Avenue. 8 : on — Esperanto R o n d a meets, Friends' Meeting House, Walnut and Vine Streets. S; oo— Philosophical TTnion, room 312, Wheeler Hall, Prof. Arthur E. Murphy, speaker. 8 ...
inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
... University law Prof. Arthur W. Murphy, chairman of an AEC board holding week-long hearings on the proposed Consumers Power Co. plant said Wednesday, "If we tried to investigate the bases of every source and assumption, we would never ...
inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
... Prof. Arthur W. Murphy, chairman of the three-man ASLB which ultimately will grant or deny the construction permit, says he sees '' "a potentially long delay Thomas F. Englehardt, counsel for the regulatory staff of the AEC, predicts an ...
inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
... prof, and read- d inpr. Joseph Leeming. '2nd gen. prof., pram., . scrip, and punctuality. 'Rowland Bill, spel. ard cram. . Reginald Dyer, geotr.. Scrip. Robert Refold, gram. m. George Gardner, writ. HONOR LIST :— Murphy. Gordon, M ...
inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
... Murphy and Lane. Prof. Arthur B: Russell has pur- rhpspd thp well-known prize-winning) launch "Mabel," from David Dicksor. of East Norwalk. Thp launch has a; two-horse Palmer enginp, and is ot the best construction with excellent ...
inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
... Arthur P. Hopkins, Patrick Dev, Houle, Aurelle Hotile, Dorothy Houlo, Eleanor Houlo, Joseph Houlo, Jos. & Robert Houlo, Josephine Dev, Hovoy, Prof. Amos A. Hnwn.nloc, John A Bcsale Howard| James W, Sr.i H"lrs Howard, James W. A Ed ward ...
inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
... Murphy, council chairman, announced yesterday that he and Mrs. Sidney Buckley, chairman of the DP ... Murphy, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Robert Wieseman, Mrs. T. A. Rich, Merrill, Prof. Arthur Davis, Rev. Robert Hoagland and Robert Snow.
inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
... University of Pilishurg. Tho jirograin iiu-ludes addresses by sueh prominent local men as Director John W. Keatty. Coroner S. C. Jamison, Dr. Suinuel Andrews, John Morrow, Prof. Arthur II:imerschlag. Samuel Harden Church, George Gerwig ...
inauthor: Arthur Murphy z webu
FULLS mm IS NIB In and Ambridge Entries An- Second and Third in Speaking Contest. John Griffiths, Benver !• placed first in ... Murphy, University of Pitt and Prof. Arthur L. Funk, . College, had conferred for !lun -10 minutes. The subjec wr- ...