... Gdansk macrozoobenthos investigations, 1962-1995 changes, increase, decline or changes in biomass structure of the macrozoobenthos in the Gulf of Gdansk which occurred in the aftermath to a very hot 1994 summer. In 1962, Zmudzinski ...
... Gdansk Basin, [in:] The Gulf of Gdansk, Majewski A. (ed.), Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, 237-255, (in Polish) Matciak M., Nowacki J., 1995 The Vistula river discharge front-surface observations, Oceanologia 37(1), 75-88 Matciak M., Nowacki J ...
... Gdansk during 1996, Oceanol. Stud., 26(4), 123-132 CyberskiJ., 1997, Riverine outflow into the Gulf of Gdansk, Oceanol. Stud., 26(4), 65-75 Fennel W., Neumann B., 1996, The mesoscale of nutrients and plankton as seen in a coupled model ...
... Gdansk was menaced both by Prus- sia and Russia . Indeed , the Rus- sian military command perfected plans of conquering and occupying Gdansk , but August III . prevailed upon the Court of Petrograd to re- frain from this unwarranted war ...
... GDAŃSK ZABYTKOWY W ROKU 1950 GDANSK HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN 1950 Gdansk 1951 52 pp . Polish ( This publication was not available for examination during the period of research on this bibliography . ) DD901.D29F3 16.332-2 Odyniec , M ...
... GDAŃSK ZABYTKOWY W ROKU 1950 GDANSK HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN 1950 Gdansk 1951 52 pp . Polish ( This publication was not available for examination during the period of research on this bibliography . ) DD901.D29F3 16.332-2 Odyniec , M ...