... Gdańsk printer 273 Rembowska I. 130 Rennen P. van der , Gdańsk goldsmith 173 Retellius M. , professor at the Acade- mic Grammar School 169 Reyger , Gdańsk mayor 269 Reyger G. , Gdańsk botanist , astrono- mer and meteorologist 275 ...
New Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Gdańsk, Poland and Prussia draws together the latest reseach on the important port town of Gdańsk and its impact on the surrounding region of Pomerania and Poland as a whole.
... Gdańsk opanowali Krzyżacy , którzy zniszczyli część miasta i wymordowali wielu jego obywateli . Mimo surowych rządów krzyżac- kich , w XIV w . powoli zaczął rozwijać się gotycki Gdańsk późnośred- niowieczny . W Głównym Mieście ...
In his book he presents this story as a part of cultural wars that tear apart not only Poland but also many countries in Europe and on other continents.
... Gdańsk and other Po- meranian towns . Teutonic Castle was razed to the ground March 6 , 1454 1454-1477 1502 1518 1526 The King of Poland , Kazimierz Jagiellon , signed an Act incorpo- rating ... Gdańsk Town Council opened a 24 GDAŃSK.
... Gdańsk has three museums with very interesting collections and temporary exhibitions : it also has two theatres , an opera and philharmonic , as well as exhibitions and festivals which are held during the annual Days of Gdańsk and Days ...