Rating (144)
The film follows Tugger, with his friend Shorty, as he follows his dreams of one day taking to the skies and flying like a plane.
Missing: Dzip, ktery chtel letat / CZ)
It is about a Willys Jeep named Tugger (voiced by Jim Belushi) who during World War II is damaged during a battle and his motor fan is replaced by an airplane ...
Missing: Dzip, ktery chtel letat / CZ)
Tasked with hauling planes around an airfield, a WWII Jeep dreams of taking flight like a real airplane -- a wish that might soon be granted.
Missing: Dzip, CZ)
Rating (57) · $8.00
Meet Tugger, a vintage World War II Jeep 4x4 with an airplane propeller for an engine fan and a nose for trouble. Tugger s current job may be tugging planes ...
Tugger is a little jeep that had his engine fan replaced by an airplane propeller during World War II. The film follows Tugger, with his friend Shorty, ...
Missing: Dzip, ktery chtel letat / CZ)
Video for Tugger - Dzip, ktery chtel letat / Tugger: The Jeep 4x4 Who Wanted to Fly (2005)(CZ)
Sep 14, 2006 · Comments12 ; Chicken Little. Preview only G ; tugger_2005.flv. tugger4x4 · 9K views ; Tugger ...
Duration: 1:27
Posted: Sep 14, 2006
Tasked with hauling planes around an airfield, a WWII jeep dreams of taking flight like a real airplane.
Rating (21)
Před mnoha lety jednomu takovému jménem Tugger zaměnili ventilátor v chladičiza vrtuli z letadla a on měl od té doby jeden velký sen – stát se letadlem!
Dec 13, 2013 · Před mnoha lety jednomu takovému jménem Tugger zaměnili ventilátor v chladičiza vrtuli z letadla a on měl od té doby jeden velký sen – stát se ...
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