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Freelance Sculptor and Character Artist.
Jonathan Payne is a sculptor specializing in creature/entertainment effects and surrealist artwork.
Jonathan Payne is an artist residing in the Los Angeles area. His sculptures focus on bizarre and fantastical surrealist characters.
27. 1. 2023 · Jonathan Payne is the 2021–2022 Grant Wood Fellow in painting and drawing. He obtained a BA in art from Rhodes College in 2012 and received ...
Jonathan Payne Art Collection Jonathan is a Western States, US-based photographer capturing images around the world. Main web site is
16. 3. 2016 · A great way for us all to learn more about Zbrush and sharpen our skills. Here are some of my favorite entries over the last several months.
Trick or Treat? "Fleshlettes" by Jonathan Payne Sculptures (@jondavidpayne) were pictured here at Monsterpalooza 2012! • Monsterpalooza returns April 13-15, ...
21. 9. 2018 · Art · Sculpture. a white sculpture of a creature with its mouth ... The Neurotic - 3/4, Jonathan Payne. The Neurotic - The Demon henchman ...