Written in the early 1890s, before Czech independence and in an age of patriotic upsurge and romanticism, these thirty-four tales quite naturally reflect a glorification of the Czech past.
... animované filmy . To je docela náročná disciplína . Chodíš do nějakého kroužku ? Chodím do kroužku ve volnočasovém centru , máme tam malé studio se skromným vybavením . Já tam dělala hlavně ploškové filmy zalo- žené na kresbě ...
... animované filmy a horké sprchy . Jako malá chtěla být princeznou , později animátorkou , aby na každém , kdo spat- řil její tvorbu , zanechala stopu . Víc jsem se o ní nestihla dozvědět . “ Znovu se ohlédnu na fotografii promítanou na ...
Tenth anniversary edition of Neil Gaiman's modern classic, brilliantly illustrated by Chris Riddell, with a new foreword by the author, in a gift presentation slipcase
The story of Mark, Roger, Maureen, Tom Collins, Angel, Mimi, JoAnne, and their friends on the Lower East Side of New York City will live on, along with the affirmation that there is "no day but today.
For this book, Firat Kara has asked what people can do with their bodiesand with what diligence they proceed. Kara is not only interested in the bulkybodies but also in the people inside them.