In this groundbreaking two-volume textbook first published in 1867, Lord Kelvin and Peter Guthrie Tait offer a unified scientific explanation of the physical world through the laws of energy.
Some smudges, annotations or unclear text may still exist, due to permanent damage to the original work. We believe the literary significance of the text justifies offering this reproduction, allowing a new generation to appreciate it.
This version is designed for beginning students and the examples and lessons it contains use only geometry, algebra, and trigonometry, eschewing the calculus of the more advanced edition.
' This definition, from the Preface to the second edition of 1879, defines the proposed scope of the work: the two volumes reissued here are the only completed part of a survey of the entirety of the physical sciences by Lord Kelvin and his ...
' This definition, from the Preface to the second edition of 1879, defines the proposed scope of the work: the two volumes reissued here are the only completed part of a survey of the entirety of the physical sciences by Lord Kelvin and his ...
' This definition, from the Preface to the second edition of 1879, defines the proposed scope of the work: the two volumes reissued here are the only completed part of a survey of the entirety of the physical sciences by Lord Kelvin and his ...