inauthor:"Park Honan" z webu
In the most complete, accurate, and up-to-date narrative of Shakespeare's life ever written, Park Honan uses a wealth of fresh information to dramatically alter our perceptions of the actor, poet, and playwright.
inauthor:"Park Honan" z webu
Honan combines intimacy with Austen as a child and a woman, insightful criticism of her work, and pertinent familial and historical background, to produce a thorough examination of the writer's life and character.
inauthor:"Park Honan" z webu
This is also the first biography to explore in detail Marlowe's relations with fellow playwrights such as Kyd and Shakespeare, and to show how Marlowe's relations with Shakespeare evolved from 1590 to 1593.
inauthor:"Park Honan" z webu
Readers of Jane Austen: Her Life will return to the novels not only with new understanding of the person who created them but with a vivid sense of the society from which they were drawn. “A triumph . . . the only biography of Austen that ...
inauthor:"Park Honan" z webu
A detailed biography of the Victorian poet, literary and social critic, and essayist.
inauthor:"Park Honan" z webu
A biography of Shakespeare, the 16th century English actor, playwright and wise investor--investing first in the Globe Theater, where he became director, later in the Blackfriars Theater.