Možno ste mysleli: Lady Clementine
Lady Clementina z webu
Drawing inspiration from their dress-up boxes, the girls masqueraded in lavish costumes and acted out mysterious dramas for their mother's camera.
Lady Clementina z webu
... Lady Grandison to Mrs Shirley.- Lady Clementina's agony of mind , on perusing the proposals . Lady Grandison urges her to accept of them : she promises to consider of it ; and , after much difficulty , is prevailed on by Sir Charles ...
Lady Clementina z webu
PAGE CCXCV . Lady Grandison to Mrs Shirley.- Lady Grandison is present at the birth of Lady G's daughter . The Earl ... Clementina . Mr Greville is rejected by Miss Selby . Lady Grandison is rejoiced at hearing of it ; for though ...
Lady Clementina z webu
... Lady Clementina by the unhappy Olivia.1 Camilla , who is fond of me , very has hinted this to me , and at the same time acquainted me with her young lady's earnestness to see it ; Mrs.Beaumont having ex- pressed to her her indignation ...
Lady Clementina z webu
... Lady Clementina his protection · LETTER XIX . Sir Charles , to Lady Grandison . - On his arrival in town finds a letter addressed to him by Lady Clementina 120 , 121 LETTER XX . Lady Clementina , to Sir Charles Grandison .-- She ...
Lady Clementina z webu
... Lady Clementina his protection . LETTER XIX . Sir Charles , to Lady Grandison . On his arrival in town finds a letter addressed to him by Lady Clementina 120 , 121 LETTER XX . Lady Clementina , to Sir Charles Grandison.- She ...
Lady Clementina z webu
... Lady Clementina to own , that a ftruggle between Love and her Superior duties , was the cause of her melancholy , iii . 79 to 92. Her Letter defcribing the unhappy way Lady Clementina is in , iii . 208 to 211. Another , recount- ing ...
Lady Clementina z webu
... Lady Grandison concerning him , vii . 269. [ See Miss Jervois ] Lady Grandison's answer , praising him , vii . 271 ... Clementina to own , that a struggle between Love and her Superior daties , was the cause of her melancholy , iii ...
Lady Clementina z webu
... Lady Grandison and Miss Jervois , on observing that young lady earnestly looking at Sir Charles , 706 CCLXXI . Lady ... Clementina's leaving Italy . Sir Charles is greatly concerned at her having been harsh- ly treated by her ...