The Bouvier des Ardennes started out in the Belgian Ardennes, where they were cattle drovers. [1] It is one of the two remaining Bouvier dogs, the other being the Bouvier des Flandres. [2] Some of their characteristics are similar to other dog breeds, such as the Bouvier des Flandres, but they have many characteristics that are unique to them. This wikiHow will help you with figuring out if a dog is a Bouvier des Ardennes.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Considering the Body Structure

  1. Male Bouviers des Ardennes are usually anywhere from 22 to 25 inches (56 to 64 cm) tall, and they typically weigh somewhere between 62 to 77 pounds (28 to 35 kg). Females are typically a little smaller, usually being anywhere from 20 to 22 inches (51 to 56 cm) tall and weighing somewhere between 49 to 62 pounds (22 to 28 kg). [3]
  2. Bouviers des Ardennes should have a quite short head that should also appear strong. [4]
  3. Bouviers des Ardennes should have high-set ears on their skull that are triangular-shaped and quite small. Ideally, the dog's ears should be completely erect, though you may also notice that the dog has rose or semi-prick ears. [5]
  4. Bouviers des Ardennes should have medium-sized eyes that are as dark-colored as they can be and aren't excessively far apart from each other. You should also notice completely pigmented eye rims, and when the dog is looking straight ahead, you should not see any haw. [6]
  5. Bouviers des Ardennes should have a thick tail that is set high, and it may be left natural or docked. Sometimes, Bouviers des Ardennes may be born without any tail or with a bobbed tail. [7]
  6. Overall, Bouviers des Ardennes should appear to be muscled well, compact, rugged, and set thick, and the dog's bone is heavier compared to what one may think based on their size. [8]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Noticing the Coat

  1. Bouviers des Ardennes can be any color with the exception of white, though typically they are a mixture of hairs that are black, fawn, and grey, with the grey being anywhere from a pale to a dark color. The dog's coat may also be red, straw, or brownish in color. Although they are not solid white, you may, however, notice a small spot that is white in color on their toes and/or chest. [9]
  2. Bouviers des Ardennes should have an outer coat that feels coarse and dry in texture. [10]
  3. Overall, Bouviers des Ardennes should have a dense, fully weatherproof double-coat, with a tousled outer coat that should have a length of approximately 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) on the dog's entire body except their skull, which has flatter hair that is shorter. The dog should also have a beard and mustache that have a length of approximately 2 inches (5.1 cm) and should hide the eye's inner corner. You should also notice straight hair that is short in length on the outer area of the dog's ears, along with a quite dense undercoat that is 1/2 of the outer coat's length and supple skin that fits tightly. [11]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Looking at Temperament

  1. Bouviers des Ardennes are determined dogs who are known to work hard. [12]
  2. Bouviers des Ardennes are known to be affectionate dogs who often connect closely to their family. [13]
    • Note that Bouviers des Ardennes may develop separation anxiety if they are left alone for a long time. [14]
  3. Bouviers des Ardennes are known to usually hunt smaller animals, and therefore they need to be supervised if they are near small animals. They may also chase younger children or nip at their ankles. Both of these behaviors should be addressed starting at an early age to prevent them from being a problem later on. [15]
  4. If they aren't, they can end up becoming aggressive, and not trusting strangers. [16]
  5. Bouviers des Ardennes are known to be courageous and will face any threats, including ones that are large. [17]
  6. Bouviers des Ardennes are known to have a good amount of intelligence and like obeying, making them usually easy to train, though they may end up challenging authority if their training isn't consistent. [18]

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  • Consider finding out about dog DNA testing if you are wondering what your dog's breed is, since DNA testing can help confirm whether or not your dog is a Bouvier des Ardennes.

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Updated: August 9, 2021
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