Baby Boom

The Baby Boom

Author: Katie Ricker

After World War II, when soldiers came home from war, the baby boom began. In 1946 the amount of babies born was “3.4 million, 20 percent more than in 1945” (“Baby Boomers”). The baby boom happened, because when soldiers came from fighting in World War II they rushed to start a family, similar to how Louie rushed into marriage with Cynthia, and later rushed into having kids.

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While the baby boom was happening, families wanted to partake in the American Dream. This dream was to find land for themselves, and have and provide for a family. Many of them found jobs thanks to the GI Bill. The GI Bill did many things to help soldiers returning from home, for example “In 1947, the GI Bill helped more than a million veterans to enroll in college” (“Baby Boom Generation”). College made even more jobs accessible to returning soldiers. The American Dream was very important to these soldiers, and the GI Bill helped them a lot.

While people were having babies they were also moving from cities to the suburbs. The GI Bill also “subsidized low-cost mortgages for returning soldiers”(“Baby Boomers”). Meaning that families could a house for less money than an apartment in the city. Another perk to these houses was how they were family friendly “they had informal “family rooms,” open floor plans and backyards”(“Baby Boomers”). Most of the suburbs were occupied by the families from the baby boom.

In the 1960s baby boomers born after the war took up most of the population, and influenced society. As they started to mature into teenagers they “rebelled against the pre-war attitudes of their parents.”(“Baby Boom | History | Yesterday Channel.”). As they got even older they started to take office, for example “Bill Clinton (born 1946) was the first baby boomer to become U.S. president.” (“Baby Boom | History | Yesterday Channel.”). Now the boomers are waiting for retirement.

In conclusion, this research can help readers understand why Louie may have rushed into marriage with his wife, Cynthia, and why he had kids so quickly. This could also help readers understand the American culture after World War II. For more information on the topic please watch the video below. To return home click here.


Works Cited

“Baby Boomers.” A&E Television Networks. Web. 07 Mar. 2016.
“Baby Boom Generation.” Baby Boom Generation. Web. 09 Mar. 2016
“Baby Boom | History | Yesterday Channel.” Baby Boom | History | Yesterday Channel. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.