48x48 white porcelain floor tile in a living room
32×32 Snow White Polished



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32×32 Snow White Polished


Snow White is a bright white porcelain tile that comes with one of the whitest background colors available in the industry. A such white background is the perfect color to deliver the contemporary/minimalistic look for modern interiors. Snow White is simplistic in its smooth and refined elegance. It’a a tile that will make a pristine space come alive.  It’s an excellent choice for both residential or commercial spaces looking for with a clean, contemporary style floors. Families will enjoy the resilience and strength over the years.  This flooring option offers a superb foundation for household gatherings and it will frame the scene for many future family memories. 32×32 rectified polished porcelain tile from Spain

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Snow White is a bright white porcelain tile that comes with one of the whitest background colors available in the industry. A such white background is the perfect color to deliver the contemporary/minimalistic look for modern interiors. Snow White is simplistic in its smooth and refined elegance. It’a a tile that will make a pristine space come alive.  It’s an excellent choice for both residential or commercial spaces looking for with a clean, contemporary style floors. Families will enjoy the resilience and strength over the years.  This flooring option offers a superb foundation for household gatherings and it will frame the scene for many future family memories. 32×32 rectified polished porcelain tile.

Brighten Up Your Interiors.

Snow White is a rectified porcelain tile that comes in  the 32″x32″ large tile size. It consists of glossy white effects and it creates a lustrous, attractive design option for any floor, wall area or fireplace surround. The luminous composition of this tile beautifully reflects any light around it. A such bright white tile can be installed anywhere to create a variety of clean, brilliant ambiences. Besides, it offers a seamless look to any decor for years to come.


Bright White Porcelain Tile From A Reliable Source

Whereas, the clean and elegant beauty of bright white tile is very much in demand, if you are in the market for it, you must have noticed that It’s not easy to find a such tile from a reliable source. Therefore, We’ve imported the Snow White tile from Spain.

Useful links:

What’s porcelain tile, what’s ceramic tile

What’s porcelain tile that looks like wood

What are minimal grout lines


Dimensions 32 × 32 in

32" x 32"

Country of Origin



B1a Dry Pressed Porcelain Tile with E≤0.5

Water Absorption













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