Dunajská Streda
Town in Slovakia
Dunajská Streda is a town located in southern Slovakia. Dunajská Streda is the most culturally significant town in the Žitný ostrov area. The town has a population of 22,730, with ethnic Hungarians forming the 72% majority. Wikipedia
Population: 22,639 (2016)
Area code: +421 31
District: Dunajská Streda
Postal code: 929 01
Region: Trnava
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Dunajská Streda is the most culturally significant town in the Žitný ostrov area. The town has a population of 22,730, with ethnic Hungarians forming the 72% ...
Kliknite na odkaz nižšie a objavte naše plány a programy, ktoré sme pripravili pre Vás! Čítať ďalej. Programy a podujatia. Erb Dunajská Streda. MOBILNÁ ...
Aktívny odpočinok pre všetkých členov rodiny · Tobogany · Vodné športy · Animácie · Športové ihriská ...
Dunajska Streda is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Thermalpark Dunajska Streda · Loft Bar · Gamergym · Memento Monument To The Victims ...
DUNAJSKA STREDA (Hung. Dunaszerdahely), town located on the largest island of the Danube River in S.W. Slovakia, now Slovak Republic.
Ponuky práce v lokalite Dunajská Streda. Pošlite svoj životopis a nájdite si nové zamestnanie ešte dnes! Voľné pracovné miesta v lokalite Dunajská Streda.
Dunajská Streda is the industrial and cultural hub of Great Rye Island. Its industries include sugar refining, food processing, and engineering. Pop. (2011) ...
Okresný úrad Dunajská Streda Korzo B. Bartóka 789/3, 929 01 Dunajská Streda. Prednosta Mgr. Norbert Rudický e-mail: Norbert.Rudicky@minv.sk.
Adresa: adresa, Hlavná ulica 50/16, 929 01 Dunajská Streda ; Tel.: telefon, 031/590 39 11 ; E-mail: email, primator@dunstreda.eu ; Web: web, http://www.dunstreda.
ARETE Park Dunajská Streda, covering an area of almost 30000 sqm, is located approximately 40 km from Bratislava. BSK Transports from the Italian group ...