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Šaľa from
... Šaľa were only of peripheral significance and had , at most , a small , local influence.51 A school was opened beside the college in Šaľa , which had more positive long - term effects , however . When Spanish priest Emmanuel Vega ( c ...
Šaľa from
... Šaľa, which boasted a Talmid Torah and even a Rav. Conversely, Veča had a shochet, Leibish's father Reb Avraham Eliezer, which Šaľa did not. Hence, the two neighboring villages met each other's needs. Every morning found little Leibish ...
Šaľa from
... Šaľa , Senec , Hlohovec , Brezno , Senica , Nové Mesto nad Váhom , Malacky , Snina , Dolný Kubín , Rožňava , Púchov , Žiar nad Hronom , Bánovce nad Bebravou , Handlová , Stará Ľubovňa , Skalica , Kežmarok , Sered ' , Galanta , Kysucké ...
Šaľa from
... Šaľa the threat to any who might resist the 90 “In the month of December 1643, in the town of Šaľa in the Seniorate of Komjathy and the country of Nitra a place dedicated to divine worship was destroyed by a certain turbulent [mob] that ...
Šaľa from
... Šaľa . ( In Slovakian ) . Dom techniky ČSVTS . Bratislava 1985 . [ 65 ] Agócs , Z. , Lapos , J. , Baláž , I. and Brodniansky , J .: A Study of NPK Conveyer Bridges for Duslo Šaľa . ( In Slovakian ) . Dom techniky ČSVTS , Bratislava 1986 ...
Šaľa from
... Šaľa " [ Šaľa Kierkegaard's City ] , Nitrianske noviny . Noviny juhozápadu , vol . 15 , no . 33 , 2006 , p . 9 . - " V Šali predstavia dánsku kultúru " [ In Šaľa there will be a Presentation of Danish Culture ] , Nitrianske noviny ...
Šaľa from
... Šaľa n . V. Balažovič Julius dr . , Šaľa n . V. Balážovjech Emil , Pezinok Balco Ľudovít , Oždín Ballay Eugen , Malé Zálužice Ballo Julius , Bratislava Ballo Michal , Malý Čepčín Bancík Oskár , Istebné Bandura Ladislav , Dúbrava ...
Šaľa from
... Šaľa v roku 1961. ( Archäologische Untersuchung der Trasse der Rohölleitung “ Freundschaft " im Absch- nitt Rimavská Sobota – Šaľa im J. 1961 ) [ Archaeological eccavation of the route of the oil pipeline " Friendship " on the section ...
Šaľa from
... Šaľa, infokiosky na sprostredkovanie prístupu na stránky verejnej správy, podujatia na zlepšenie imidžu mesta a vzťahy s partnerskými mestami v zahraničí." Celkovo plánované výdavky mesta Šaľa v rámci tohto programu mali v roku 2009 ...
Šaľa from
... Šaľa III , Úľany nad Žitavou , Pavlová " [ Settlements from the eighth century in southwestern Slovakia : Šaľa II , Úľany nad Žitavou , Pavlová ] . Študijné zvesti 50 ( 2011 ) : 101-220 . Oeser , Wolfgang . " Methodologische Bemerkungen ...